Catacombs of Capuchins: secrets of mummies from Palermo

Catacombs of Capuchins: secrets of mummies from Palermo

19 June 2018, 11:44
A source: ©
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Today the catacombs of the Capuchins are one of the main attractions of Palermo. There are more than 8000 mummified bodies of people who died between the 17th and 19th centuries.
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In 1599, the Capuchin monks made a shocking discovery during the exhumation of bodies that were removed from the catacombs under the monastery in Palermo - many bodies were mummified in a natural way. The features of soil and microclimate prevented the decomposition of bodies. After this discovery, the monks decided to mummify one of their dead - Silvestro from Gubbio - by placing the deceased in the catacombs. Soon in the catacombs began to demolish the bodies of dead monks and even noble townspeople of Palermo.
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Later the catacombs became a kind of symbol of status - it was considered prestigious to be buried in the catacombs of Capuchins. The bodies were first dehydrated, laying them for eight months on the racks of ceramic pipes in the catacombs, and then washed with vinegar. Some bodies were embalmed, and others were placed in sealed glass cabinets. Monks were buried in their daily clothes, and sometimes with ropes, which they wore as penance.
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Some of the deceased wrote wills, in which they specified in what clothes they should be buried. Some even asked that their bodies be changed several times a year according to the latest fashion. Relatives went to the catacombs to pray for the dead and support their bodies in a presentable state.
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Monks capuchin took money to maintain the huge catacombs of the relatives of the deceased. Each new body was first placed in a temporary niche, and then it was hung out, exposed or laid in an open view in a permanent place. While relatives contributed money, the body remained in place, but when relatives stopped paying, the body was shifted to the shelf until the payments were renewed.
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During the Second World War, American bombers accidentally ended up in a monastery, as a result of which many mummies were destroyed. Today, along the walls of the catacombs, you can find about 8,000 bodies and 1252 mummies. The halls are divided into seven categories: men, women, girls, children, priests, monks and scientists. Some bodies have survived better than others, and access to the coffins with them is still open to their descendants.
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