Octavian Augustus - Princeps of Rome

Octavian Augustus - Princeps of Rome

16 January 2019, 17:54
A source: © jnsm.com.ua
2 309
January 16, 27 BC Octavian was proclaimed a princeps at the Senate meeting and received the title "Augustus". From now on, he became known as Emperor Caesar Augustus, and the cult of the emperor became the state religion of Rome for the next four centuries.

In 40 BC. e. The triumvirs divided among themselves the spheres of influence - Octavian received the West of the republic, Anthony, who is currently married to the sister of Octavian, - East, and Lepidus - Africa.

A year before, Anthony had arrived in Egypt, where he met Queen Cleopatra, the former mistress of Julius Caesar, from whom she gave birth to her son Caesarion. Falling in love with her, Anthony actually ceased to engage in public affairs, and in the years 36-37 BC. e. conducted an unsuccessful campaign against Parthia.

In order to take revenge, Octavian ordered to find and declare the will of Anthony, according to which Caesarion became the heir of Rome, and the children of Anthony of Cleopatra ruled Armenia, Syria, Asia Minor and Cyrenaica.
Photo © jnsm.com.ua

The news of this caused the concern of the Roman senators and they declared war on Cleopatra. The decisive battle took place on September 2, 31 BC. at Cape Shares, on the coast of the Ionian Sea, the Egyptian fleet was defeated.

A year later, Octavian conquered the capital, Alexandria of Egypt, and on August 1, 30 BC. Marc Anthony was forced to commit suicide. On the same day, by order of Octavian, Caesarion and Antill, the eldest son of Anthony from his first marriage, were killed. A few days later, Cleopatra, after unsuccessful attempts to get guarantees of her own safety from Octavian and the transfer of the throne to her children, took her own life.

Returning from Egypt, Octavian resigned from his emergency powers and announced the restoration of the Roman Republic. But two days later, on January 16, 27 BC, in the Senate Senate prepared in advance, he allowed himself to be persuaded to become a princeps (the first citizen).

As a sign of respect for the merits of Octavian, the Senate granted him the title "Augustus", which he, along with the old republican title "Emperor", included in his name and became known as Emperor Caesar Augustus. He was worn and all subsequent emperors of Rome before the fall of Constantinople in 1453, and the surname Caesar and the title Augustus entered into many languages ​​of the world.
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