Why do we collect?

Why do we collect?

1 April 2019, 19:18
A source: © google.com
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Photo © google.com

Almost each of us collected something in childhood or now collects. These can be tickets, stamps, coins and more. But unlike other occupations, people of different ages and different temperaments are engaged in collecting. Why is this happening?

Reason number 1. General.
Man is inherently prone to accumulation. In the same way, we accumulate experience and knowledge throughout life. Here it comes down to “sweetheart objects.” Although in some situations collecting becomes more serious.

Reason number 2. Practical.
Some relate to collecting as a method of investing. Others do this to broaden the horizons or social circle of odnumumtsev. Still others just want to save the past.

Reason number 3. The desire to control.
Many people enjoy the very moment of classification, the organization of everything that has already been collected and what can be collected. The desire to systematize stems from the need for control.

Reason number 4. Fear.
Collecting is sometimes due to fear: the inability to influence the situation, systematize your life, find your place. Often, collecting something helps to cope with destructive neuroses or thoughts.

Reason number 5. Pleasure.
The process of collecting is accompanied by anticipation, which bears the collector in relation to a particular exhibit. In some situations, one imagination is enough for the brain to create in detail the image of what one wants to get into its collection. Those feelings that arise after the acquisition of the exhibit.

Collect at your pleasure.
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