Numa Pompilius - semi-legendary king of Rome

Numa Pompilius - semi-legendary king of Rome

22 July 2019, 16:37
A source: ©
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After the death of Romulus July 7, 717 BC. e. between the Sabines and the Latins there was a conflict over the inheritance of power. For fifteen days, the Senate could not reach agreement on the election of a new king, until July 22, 717 BC. that is, the Solomon’s decision was not made, and the Latin senators proposed the candidacy of the 36-year-old Sabinean Numi Pompilius.

At the time of his election, he was king of the city of Chur, which was located on the left bank of the Tiber, 40 km from Rome, and for some time refused power, despite the embassy of two senators and the personal request of his relative and the prefect of Rome Numa Marcia.

According to the legend, Pompilius consulted with the nymph Eregia, turned to Jupiter through a soothsayer, and only after receiving a favorable prediction, arrived in Rome, where his election as king was taken at the forum by the citizens of the city, and the fortune-telling of augurs also gave a favorable sign.
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In the seventh year of the reign of Numa Pompilius, an epidemic broke out in Italy, which resulted in the death of thousands of people both in Rome and in its vicinity. According to legend, once the king was walking in the forest, concerned about the thought of national salvation, and suddenly, with thunder and lightning, a skillfully decorated shield fell at his feet. Immediately she was the patroness of Numa Pompilius, Egeria, and said that this shield was a gift of Jupiter, and described a special ritual with which it is possible to ward off any misfortune from Rome. Numa Pompilius followed the advice of the goddess and ordered to make 11 copies of this shield, which he ordered to hang and store in the temple of Vesta. The king established a special brotherhood of salies, which were to be annually in March, armed with these shields, to perform a sacred dance in the city.

During the 44 years of his reign, Numa Pompilius recorded the Roman lands, reformed the calendar, introducing 12 months a year, adding January and February, banned human sacrifices, established pontiff posts, established handicraft workshops and was the only Roman kings who did not conduct a single war .

Numa Pompilius died in 673 BC. e. at the age of 80 years, leaving behind a large number of written works, which bequeathed to bury with him. In 181 BC. e. They were accidentally found during construction work on the Roman hill of Janicul next to the ashes of Pompilius - 14 books on law and philosophy were completely intact. By order of the Roman praetor, they were burned out because of the fears of the authorities that the teaching presented in the books contradicts religious cults.
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