"Monkey process" over John Thomas Scopes

10 July 2018, 22:47
A source: © jnsm.com.ua
According to state law, which was violated by John Thomas Scopes, it was forbidden to study any theories that contradicted the biblical versions of the creation of the world. After his arrest, he appealed to the American Civil Liberties League, which invited as counsel counselor Clarence Seward Darrow, then known.

The prosecution was supported by William Jennings Bryan, who three times, unsuccessfully, ran for president of the United States and was Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson. In addition, he made a lot of efforts to ban the teaching of Darwin's theory in Florida.

On July 10, the first hearing began. In the city, a festive atmosphere reigned on this day: two chimpanzees were led along the streets, the Bible, hot dogs and lemonade were sold everywhere, and the "Read the Bible" poster hung in front of the courtroom.
Photo © jnsm.com.ua

The first blow in the line of defense was brought by Judge Raulston, who banned the call of experts, arguing that it was not the law that was judged, but the person who had violated it. Darrow changed tactics and summoned as his only witness, the accuser himself, Brian, trying to discredit his interpretation of the Bible.

With a few indirect questions, the lawyer forced Brian to admit that the six days for which God allegedly created the Earth should not be taken literally and this term can last for a long time, thousands or millions of years.

This made a proper impression on the crowd of many thousands, but not on the jury, and within eight minutes they issued a verdict - to recognize Scopes as guilty. The judge also imposed on him the minimum possible for fines for such a violation - $ 100.

In 1927, the Supreme Court of Tennessee reversed the verdict of the "monkey court", referring to technical nuances, but legally the problem was resolved only in 1968, when the US Supreme Court of Arkansas recognized the same law as unconstitutional because of its violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution USA.
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