Search method: bicycle wheel method

Search method: bicycle wheel method

15 July 2018, 21:05
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The first thing you need to do when you start looking for a loss is to decide where the benchmark will be. Or the center of the wheel, or rather.

Usually lost some valuable thing indicates the approximate place where it happened. This point will be the center. Sometimes they can not exactly tell where the item was dropped, but even then I recommend that you still plan an approximate point and move from it. Then, if not lucky, change the dislocation and continue using the same method.

Now the algorithm:

1. Select the center point.

2. Using reasonable forecasting, estimate how far the object could fall out. This will be the radius of the search circle, or "wheel spoke". Its length rarely exceeds 5 meters.

3. Use 2 flags linked together by a 5 meter rope. One stick to the center point, the second - on the circle.

4. Look for along the rope. First go from the outer point to the inner one on one side of the rope, then from the inner to the outside on the other side.

5. Move the outer flag a few inches (about 1.5 times the diameter of the coil) to the side. Repeat step 4.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you find the target.

This method of searching, called the "wheel method." It ensures that you do not miss the stretches if you accidentally swing the coil. Also helps to focus on the most likely site of loss. The method of the bicycle wheel makes the search systematic, not chaotic.
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