Henrietta Green: the richest miser of the twentieth century

Henrietta Green: the richest miser of the twentieth century

25 November 2020, 22:44
A source: © ru.wikipedia.org
1 793
Henrietta Green (nee Howland), aka the wall street Witch, was born on November 21, 1834. Her family made a large profit from trading with China and whaling. At the age of six, the girl began to read Newspapers herself, became interested in business and joined the family business at the age of 13, becoming an accountant. After her father's death in 1864, Henrietta Green received his entire inheritance – $ 7.5 million. Today it is almost 190 million dollars.

Even then, Henrietta Greenbegan to show an unpleasant trait - avarice. When she found out that her aunt's will referred to the transfer of $ 2 million to charity, she immediately sued, wanting to take the money for herself. However, the entrepreneur lost, because it turned out that she forged another will, which allegedly gave her the right to receive the entire amount. At the age of 33, Henrietta Green married a multimillionaire from Vermont, after forcing her future husband, Edward Green, to give up the rights to her finances. In the later years of their lives, the couple increased their wealth by investing.

Henrietta Green stinginess is reflected in various stories. For example, it is known that she refused to heat her house, rarely bought new underwear, and in public she could be seen in the same old black dress. She didn't indulge in food either, limiting herself to the cheapest restaurants. It was said that when her son ned broke his leg as a child, Henrietta Green saved on doctors even then. This led to terrible consequences: free medicine was powerless, and the boy had to amputate a limb. After the death of Henrietta Green, an impressive amount remained - about $ 200 million (today it is almost $ 4 billion).
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