A small treasure, which was not to the teeth of the Auschwitz guards

A small treasure, which was not to the teeth of the Auschwitz guards

7 June 2018, 14:58
A source: © fb.zelenka.club
8 145
Photo © fb.zelenka.club

This story belongs to the category of extraordinary, so it repeatedly attracted the attention of the media. The tragedy of the concentration camps left an eternal scar in people's hearts.

In the main museum, dedicated to the personal belongings of the victims of the concentration camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau, a mug with a double bottom was discovered. The staff of the museum prepared the exhibit for the exhibition and were very surprised that its bottom had carefully kept the secrets of its former owner for so many years.

For many years the bottom of the mug has rusted badly and the contents, which have been hidden for so many years, fell out. In the secret compartment there was a ring and a chain.

On the ornaments it was possible to see a sample - 583. It was supplemented with a seal in the form of a knight's head. This is the mark that was placed on gold jewelry in Poland during the period between world wars.

Usually, guards of concentration camps managed to quickly identify valuable items from captives, but this finding proved to be too much for them.

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