Unusual burial was found in southern Egypt

Unusual burial was found in southern Egypt

13 December 2018, 17:49
A source: © mignews.com.ua
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Photo © mignews.com.ua

In the south of Egypt, near the city of Luxor, archaeologists have found the tomb of the times of the XIX pharaoh dynasty, which dates back to about 1292-1186 BC.

Scientists suggest that the tomb belonged to the servant of the temple of the god Amon. A sarcophagus with a mummy was found in it, as well as various objects, among which are the Ushebti funeral figures and the burial mask. The walls of the found tomb were painted with patterns of flowers.

Also, archaeologists have found next to another tomb with two sarcophagi and mummies. This burial already corresponds to the time of the reign of XXV dynasty of the pharaohs.
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