Where and when did the Rolling Stones debut?

Where and when did the Rolling Stones debut?

12 July 2019, 14:27
A source: © jnsm.com.ua
1 441
Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were classmates during elementary school. In 1961 they founded the group "Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys", which included another friend of theirs, Dick Taylor. The following year, at the Marquee Club, they met Brian Jones and Ian Stewart, who in June 1962 joined the Jagger and Richards group.

They received their first concert practice at the same club “Marquee”, where the group performed on July 12, 1962, changing the name to “Rolling Stones” in honor of one of the 1950 Muddy Waters songs. During this performance, Mick Eyvori played drums in the band.

In August 1962, Charlie Watts came to replace Tony Chapman and the group had a permanent manager, Andrew Oldham, who decided to give his pupils an image of hooligans as opposed to the clean The Beatles.
Photo © jnsm.com.ua

The following year, at his insistence, keyboardist Stewart was ousted from the group, which visually contrasted with the rest of the group, and bassist Dick Taylor was replaced by Bill Weyen. In June 1963 at the studio Decca Records "Rolling Stones" recorded their first single with a cover version of Chuck Berry's song "Come On".

On April 16, 1964, the first debut album of The Rolling Stones was released, which came out on the first position in the UK Albums Chart, and after re-release in the USA - on the 11th place in the American Billboard 200.

This made it possible to conduct successful tours in the United States, covering the glory of concert hooligans, on whose performances fights and fights constantly occurred, and to raise funds for recording their own compositions.
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