NBU issued a coin dedicated to the earth

NBU issued a coin dedicated to the earth

21 August 2019, 21:22
A source: © www.rbc.ua
2 654
Photo © www.rbc.ua

On August 20, the NBU issued a new commemorative coin called "Land-nurse". The coin of 10 UAH is made of 925 silver and weighs 31.1 g. Several areas are covered with gold, the gold content is not less than 0.003 g. the Circulation was 4 thousand copies.

The obverse depicts the figure of the sower, behind which there is a floral ornament. In the hands of the working basket with gold grain. Vertical stripes of gold symbolize arable land. On the reverse you can see the Plowman walking behind the oxen. The composition is constructed in such a way that the image can be seen from a bird's eye view.

The cost of a new coin in the case is 1250 UAH.
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