
How "Alenka" got on the wrapper from chocolate

26 May 2018, 18:05
A source: ©
5 128
Eight-month Elena Gerinas has been the emblem of the famous chocolate "Alenka" for more than half a century. But there could be Vasnetsovskaya "Alyonushka" there, for example.

But the image of a trusting person in the scarf of the daughter of the photographer Alexander Gerinas won in the contest, announced in 1964 by "Red October". Before that, the picture of "Alenka" with wide-open eyes and ruddy cheeks decorated the cover of the first issue of the magazine "Zdorovie" in 1962.

Photo ©

The little Helen had brown eyes and a slightly different face shape, and the final image that appeared on the chocolate wrapper was created by the artist N. Maslov. By the way, Elena Gerinas herself does not receive any fee for using the image of her face on the famous
chocolate for more than fifty years.

In February 2000, she claimed her copyright as an heiress to this image, but a court that lasted more than two years ruled in her favor.
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