July 16: Europe's first paper notes, the opening of the Bessarabian market and the debut of Oleg Blokhin

July 16: Europe's first paper notes, the opening of the Bessarabian market and the debut of Oleg Blokhin

16 July 2018, 10:16
A source: © jnsm.com.ua
Photo © jnsm.com.ua

July 16, 1661 Swedish bank Stockholms Banco issued the first paper notes in Europe. They were denominated 5, 25, 100 and 1000 Swedish thalers.

1867 - Frenchman Joseph Monier, a former gardener, received a patent for reinforced concrete, which became the main material in the construction of high-rise buildings.
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1877 - the first final of the tennis tournament in Wimbledon. The winner was Spencer Gore.

1909 - in the city of Ingolstadt (Germany), German engineer and entrepreneur August Horch founded the company "Audi Automobil-Werke". The first car was released next year.
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1912 - in Kiev, in the presence of the top leadership of the city and the region, the grand opening of the Bessarabian covered market, built with the money of the sugar maker Lazar Brodsky, was designed by the architect Mikhail Bobrusov.

1918 - Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky approved a sample of the Ukrainian sea flag - a straight blue cross with a border of the same color was placed on the white field, in the left upper corner there was a national flag of small size with a gold seal printed by St. Vladimir in the middle.
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1945 - in the desert near the Alamogordo airbase, New Mexico (USA), the first American experimental nuclear charge "Gadget" with an equivalent of nineteen thousand tons of TNT was destroyed. This was the result of a 28-month intensive scientific work of scientists led by Robert Oppenheimer on the project, code-named "Manhattan."

1965 - after 8 years of construction, a Mont Blanc tunnel 11.611 km long was laid between the cities of Chamonix (France) and Courmayeur (Italy) under the highest mountain in Europe Mont Blanc.
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1972 - in a friendly match with the Finnish national team, Oleg Blokhin made his debut as a member of the USSR national team.

1990 - American astrophysicist Mark R. Showalter opened Pan, the second most remote from the planet 30-kilometer natural satellite of Saturn. His existence was predicted 5 years earlier.
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1994 - Comet Shoemakerov-Levy collided with Jupiter.

2002 - a unique museum dedicated to the history of international espionage opened in the center of Washington.
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